
Showing posts from June, 2021


HOPE ZAŠTO TO RADIMO? Kupnjom $ HOPE svakog mjeseca s 20% iznosa donacije osiguravamo da će naše cijene i dalje rasti i rezultirati sigurnim, zdravim i održivim umjetnim rastom.  Kao da kit dolazi svakog mjeseca, kupite 20% od ukupnog iznosa donacije (prema našem primjeru to će biti 20.000 za jedan mjesec), ali nikada ga ne bacite jer je i sam $ HOPE kit.  $ HOPE neće izgubiti - polako ćemo ga distribuirati.   Ta polazna preraspodjela od 20% sinkronizirat će se s 20% sljedeće donacije koja se koristi za ponovnu kupnju žetona za nadu kako bi se stvorila veća likvidnost i vlasnici, plus omogućilo da se tokeni eksponencijalno povećavaju s vremenom.  To će našim investitorima s vremenom ponuditi dobar ROI, nižu volatilnost i uvijek donijeti nove više katove.   NIJE LI OVO SJAJNO? Uz to, budući da će to pokrenuti konstantno povećanje vrijednosti, početni prirast od 20 tisuća dolara također će se povećati.  Dodatna dobit pohranit će se i dijeliti putem zračnih kapi između više slučajnih vlas

Punkcoin is a cryptocurrency the rebel under the cryptocurrencies

Punkcoin is a cryptocurrency the rebel under the cryptocurrencies INTRODUCING PUNKCOIN Punkcoin is a cryptocurrency, a rebel under cryptocurrency. this based on the Ethereum platform, using the ERC20 standard with the PKC symbol token. The contract code will be verified and published on Etherscan. The maximum supply amount of 1,000,000,000,000,000 Punkcoins. The complete quantity will be printed during the ICO, so the total supply equals the maximum supply.   BUT WHY IS PUNKCOIN DIFFERENT? Punk is a youth culture. His attributes are a provocative display, rebellious attitude and inappropriate behavior. And so does Punkcoin. Of course it stands for decentralized finance (DeFi) system. but while Bitcoin and some altcoins are increasingly being discovered by large institutions, Punkcoin is primarily an investment for individuals. And with a total supply of 1,000,000,000,000,000 tokens, anyone can own lots of Punkcoins.   punkcoin is inspired by CryptoPunks and Bastard Gan Punks (V2). This

EXIP – A Decentralized Domain Service

EXIP – A Decentralized Domain Service What is the internet? The Internet is a global network of interconnected intelligent hardware and software systems that enables digitized time and space storage, retrieval, dissemination, and information and communication processing. From a sociological perspective, the Internet, as depicted in some popular accounts, is not associated with a global information system. The constituent Web systems are protected by a sociological account of the Internet and are viewed as social phenomena. It also includes information and other material that people, organisations, and smart devices use the Internet to create, distribute, and receive. Finally, a sociological account involves the socially and historically organised structures and processes in which information and communication development, transmission, and reception are embedded.   Administration The ultimate responsibility for controlling upper-level Internet Protocol addresses or domain names lies wi