Some of the advantages of nauticus are compared to others.

The exchange will be the foundation platform for Nauticus’s banking and eCommerce solutions.
Immediately trade Nauticus Coins with 100 crypto and six fiat currencies (USD, EUR, JPY, HKD, AUD, ZAR).
Scheduled to expand to more than 300 crypto and 16 fiat currencies when transaction volume allows.
State-of-the-art security system and with a low-exchange rate and fees (as little as 0.1 percent).
Low-exchange rate and fees (as little as 0.1 percent).
Able to support a million transactions per SECOND.
Support a million transactions per second.
Integrated with Nauticus Wallet and mobile app.
State of the art security system measures including multiple encryption, two factor and biometric authentication.
Simplified interface option for new crypto investors.
Sophisticated interface for active traders with the ability to design robots for automated trading.
Only 170 competitors worldwide and more than 100,000 new users signing up to exchanges each day.

Providing enormous server capacity for Nauticus users.
Enables faster and cheaper transactions.
Generating revenue up to $59 million annually.
Supporting infrastructure in the developing world.
Partnerships with local governments for sustainability and economic growth.
Revenue reinvested to support further business development.
Energy efficient use of Antminer S9 models.

Ultra-low fee marketplace.
Wide-range of goods and services.
Underpinned by Nauticus Coin.
Accepts all major cripto and fiat currencies. Instant and secure payment system.
Easy-to-use mobile app.
Powered by Nauticus Exchange, wallet and payment systems.
Standard fees will be around 3 percent.
Fees as low as 0.1 percent for users with the best reviews.
Free transactions under the Nauticus Rewards program.
Blockchain verification of supply chain to drive ethical consumption.
Detailed rating and accountability system KYC of users.
One million users projected by mid-2020.
Revenue up to $13.7 million USD annually.

Easy-to-use, low-cost solution for businesses of all sizes.
Contactless Point of Sale payments via NFC, QR, ApplePay and AndroidPay.
Merchants can accept the currency of their choosing (crypto or fiat).
Settle payments instantly, rather than weekly or monthly.
Businesses can implement on existing digital shopfronts or on Nauticus Marketplace.
Analytics support for enterprises and governments.
Integrated with mobile app and Nauticus Exchange.
Transfer funds to banks, suppliers, family and friends.

Nauticus to become a global leader in Know Your Customer (KYC) verification.
Single verification and Nauticus will provide your data to companies on request.
Users have full control of information and data sharing through the use of biometric authorization.
KYC prevents theft, money laundering.
Secure and unique identity verification.
Transparent records of access activity.
Free for users with more than 1000 Coins under Nauticus Rewards.
No user information provided to third parties without authorization.
Includes global credit scoring system.

Establish resources for new ICOs.
Information Technology templates and code.
Financial and legal assistance.
Consultants specialising in marketing, media and HR.
Launch of an ICO register and quality seal of approval.
Develop comprehensive code of conduct requirements.
Supporting the blockchain community and protecting investors.

Information details,please contact :
General enquiries and tech support:
Private sale and deposits:
Media and press release:





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