With the increase in the number of interested contingent assets and user extensions, most of the industry increased the amount of services, which allowed to carry out a variety of treatments with currencies. In this project, the maximum popularity was captured by the exchanges in cryptocurrencies: conditional trading platforms, by means of which any person can buy or sell an encrypted currency.
The work of such platforms is created according to the traditional exchange scheme: the price of the asset depends on the demand and the requirements, which are formed by the value of the purchase or sale orders. The difference not only in the Proviant, what are the trade operators, but in the capacity of entry - no agent or particular evidence is required, sufficient registration in the website of the cryptocurrency and Nemer resupply bag.
What happens with the formation of cryptocurrency exchange is not weak is not an easy goal, but exchange, which provides a full set of devices and functions is considered to be the most difficult problem. I want to offer you the company Cryptonity, the project worked with cryptocurrencies as merchants and miners, who existed intensive users. Real platforms are needed to create the exchange of cryptocurrencies that they were waiting for.
Recommend this cryptonity:
guarantee a more complete, reliable, colorless and collective exchange platform in the auction. 
1 I want to provide our users with the 
most secure trading platform. To fulfill this mission, I will work with the most popular experts in the field of security in the exchange, it was audited twice during the independent security firms and we gathered our results of control with the aim of absolutely all our users. Our partners in accordance with security will be mentioned on our website. Continue to guarantee our users a reliable business skill, I will establish an insurance document in order to reimburse
our users in case of overhead due to the attack. You will find more detailed information about our insurance policy, in the field of the exchange base. 
2 collective communication with our users.
It is more than certain that I am involving our users in the development of our platform. I will have different communication channels disclosed to interact with our users, and I will certainly respond to our user requirements in the shortest possible time. I want our society to participate in the development of the platform, in terms of functions, which will be invented, coins, to be listed, and so on. The function "Request evaluation" will be carried out with the objective of the users, to imagine the functions that they would like to notice in the landing stage.
Cryptonity called token Token 
the XNY symbol. 
Cryptonity token released on the Ethereum blockchain. In the future, the platform will develop a personal blockchain. 
ONE HUNDRED million tokens cryptonity. 
The platform will not increase the issuance of tokens, and in addition to buying them. The plan considers that such effects are manipulated. 
When using the token plan, owners will be presented with an eternal 50% benefit on Cryptonity exchange rates. Someone will also allow 
the owners to carry out assistance in certain similar functions, as well as a referendum due to the "currency of the month".

Author (rawon ayam)


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