ATFS Project is the world’s first decentralized AgriTech & Food Science crowdfunding project built on Ethereum Blockchain and Smart Contracts.
We are bringing Industrial Revolution 4.0 to the crypto world with ATFS Token. The issuance of ATFS Token finances the establishment of Smart Farm 2.0, development of Disruptive Decentralized Platform, and production of Plant-Based Meat. The project is an all-around solution to the world’s growing food crisis by providing relevant technological advances in agriculture, new revenue base and supply systems, and a socially-acceptable alternative to meat consumption.
ATFS Project and its team members vow to enhance people’s quality of life all around the world by revolutionizing the current food system. Therefore, it is necessary and critical to secure funding during our crowdfunding period. By participating, you are joining a group of like-minded pioneers who knows of the benefits that the next agricultural revolution will generate. The profits from all stages of the ATFS Project will be shared based on ATFS Token’s smart contracts.

Launching the Largest Smart Farm 2.0 Project in Asia

Smart Farm 2.0 is an intelligent farm powered by deep learning by combining information, communication, technology (ICT), IoT, Big Data, and more within the agriculture industry.
It automatically and tactically controls proper temperature, humidity, sunlight, carbon dioxide, water and so on of a crop cultivation facility by utilizing IoT technology, sensors and analytic software with networked environment. In other words, Smart Farm 2.0 enables proactive prediction, real-time response and situation-specific simulation 24/7/365.
Following the plant breeding and genetics revolution in the agricultural industry, Smart Farm 2.0 leads the “Third Green Revolution” in agriculture by providing optimal growth environment and directing its controls based on relevant big data analysis.
It creates high added value by improving productivity, efficiency, and quality throughout the entire production life-cycle, distribution and
consumption process of an agricultural product.

Disruptive Decentralized Platform (DDP)

The purpose of Disruptive Decentralized Platform is to completely destroy the food distribution problems that have been occurring in all stages of current distribution channels, and to recreate the distribution structure of new models.
It will become the best profit model for both producers(farmers) and consumers by drastically eliminating the complicated, high-cost and multi-level distribution structure with entry barriers and inefficiency of information by directly connecting the two players.
The Disruptive Decentralized Platform is an easy-to-use platform with convenient access running on the apps and web anytime, anywhere.
The payment gateway of this platform is conducted on the blockchain by Bitcoin, Ethereum, and all ERC20 based altcoins as well as fiat currencies.
We know that more commercial platforms will gradually accept cryptocurrencies in the future, just likehow a couple of pizzas cost 10,000 bitcoins at first.

Plant-Based Meat (First, Asia Pacific and then the rest of world)

Plant-Based meat is going to be the future’s top protein alternative and the solution to the world’s pending meat shortage issue.
AFTS Project aims to first launch types of oriental meats befitting tothe Asian region and culture, and plans to expand our Plant-Based Meat assortments to the rest of the world.
The project’s blueprint for Plant-Based Meat (vegetable protein) utilizes biotechnology and synthetic biology combined with agricultural cultivation capability and technology accumulated from Smart Farm 2.0 operations.
For optimal results, we will establish a specialized and dedicatedResearch & Development Center in collaboration with leading universities and research institutes at home and abroad.


ATFS DDP (Pick&Go) Conceptual System Architecture
The conceptual system architecture of ATFS Pick & Go (which is called Disruptive Decentralized Platform) is composed of three layers: Transaction Layer, Data Layer, Middle Layer.
Transaction Layer describes a set of fundamental rules that govern decentralized transaction on Pick&Go between two or more trading related partners. . Each transaction refers to a product category sold on the DDP’s marketplace.
Transaction Layer protocol is made of 3 major sub-components
 Smart Contracts
 Formalizes trading terms
 Payment and Escrow
 Payment with altcoins, fiat currencies
 Escrow selection
 Altcoin Converter
 Exchange between Representative Coins and other altcoins
Data Layer consists of ATFS P2P Network and Ethereum blockchain. Peer-to-peer connection will be scalable in design, supporting people to find goods that they need and offer to others locally to all around the world. The blockchain ensures transparency, data evidence.
Middle layer is responsible for connecting to the web and app’s front-end by executing ATFS Trading Protocol with other users on the network. It can also be optimized for ATFS Pick&Go by utilizing commercial and/or open source APIs.
And the web/app enables users to fulfill any desired role on the network (merchant, buyer, and verifier). The UI/UX flow will vary on the type of trading to be conducted.
So far, this is an overview of Pick&Go’s conceptual architecture. In the future, we may disclosemore detailed technical plans when necessary.

Required Technologies for ATFS Project

Required technologies are allocated to four categories depending on project characteristics: overall element technology; Smart Farm 2.0 technology; Disruptive Decentralized Platform technology; and Plant-Based Meat technology.


ATFS Project is crowdfunding to support the establishment of Smart Farm 2.0, Disruptive Decentralized Platform, and Plant-Based Meat to tackle the impending food crisis. For this reason, ATFS LAB plans to issue “ATFS Token (ATFS)” through the smart contract system operated by Ethereum Blockchain.
ATFS Token (ATFS) will be distributed at a rate of 5000 per 1 ETH to participate during the crowdfunding period. ATFS Project aims to crowdfund from 12500 ETH (Soft Cap) to 50000 ETH (Hard Cap). Participation Period will last for 30 days. If hard-cap is reached, the crowdfunding will close automatically. After closing crowdfunding period, unsold tokens will be burned.
ATFS LAB is a public registered legal body with legal responsibilities and is subject to audits when necessary. This will be ensured by the transparency of operation of the ATFS project and the secure custody of the funds.

Token Name: ATFS Token (ATFS) — ATFS LAB Profit Share Smart Contract

ATFS Token (ATFS) represents the right to receive a part of distributable profits of ATFS LAB. Alltokens in aggregate will have the right to receive 20% of such profits. The tokens will be assigned pro-rata to the funds provided to the ATFS LAB during Initial Coin Offering.

Payout Structure

According to the bylaws, ATFS Token participators may receive certain rewards at the discretion of ATFS BOD with a limit of 20% of distributable profit of ATFS LAB to the official Ethereum (ETH) wallet at the end of each fiscal year. In other words, the token owners will receive the applicable
profit equal to the holding ratio of ATFS Tokens automatically calculated by smart contract.

Token Supply

The total supply of token is not locked. After the crowdfunding period of token sales ends, the unreleased tokens are burned.

Initial Rate

1 ETH = 5000 ATFS Tokens The price of ATFS Token (ATFS) is set forth in Bitcoin (BTC) / Ethereum (ETH) / other Altcoins on our authorized Website only. WE DO NOT accept fiat currencies for ATFS Token.

Minimum Purchase Amount

0.05 ETH at least

Token Distribution

At the end of the crowdsale all allocated ATFS Token (ATFS) is considered to be 65% of the total supply. The remaining 35% is then allocated among Reserve, Future hired, Founders, Advisors, and Bounties as shown below.
The ATFS Token (ATFS) will be allocated as below:
Crowdfunding Participants (65%) : It will be issued through a public crowdfunding with an approximate amount of 380 million ATFS Tokens with bonus rates. This ATFS Tokens sold in the crowdfunding represents a portion of 65% of the total supply. Once the crowdfunding is over, there will be no further opportunity to get ATFS Tokens until listed on Exchange. The supply of ATFS Token created and committed to participants will be distributed through on Ethereum Smart Contract terms. Unsold amount of tokens will be burned after the crowdfunding ends.

Reserve (15%)

This portion of the total token supply will be kept in reserve for Strategic Investors and Venture or Hedge Funds like Google Ventures, Amazon Venture Capital, Softbank Investment and other financial institutions. Additional uses include needs for treasury, token swaps, and
liquidity supply for exchange. Excepting for those strategic reasons, this portion will be vesting 12 months schedule.

Founders & Management Team (10%)

This portion will be kept within the ATFS Lab, divided among the founders and management team and will be vesting 24 months schedule with 6-month cliff.

Future Hired (5%)

This portion will be allocated to the future hired, for strengthening senior engineers & proactive directors. Locking up with our smart contract for 12 months schedule is mandatory.

Advisors (2%)

Advisors’ portion will be compensated for their dedication & enthusiasm. Tokens are split and distributed to advisors, and are allocated after the crowdfunding ends. This portion will be vesting 2 months.
Bounties (3%)
10% Facebook Campaign
15% Twitter Campaign
5% Telegram Campaign
15% Creative (Artwork and Videos) & Media Support Campaign
25% BitcoinTalk Signature & Avatar Campaign
15% BitcoinTalk Translation Campaign (Website, Whitepaper, ANN)
15% Exclusive Support & Bug Hunt Campaign
All bounties will be allocated after the crowdfunding ends.


Bonus rates during the crowdfunding period is as below,
EARLY BIRD (Day 1~3): 1 ETH = 7000 tokens (+40% Bonus)
STAGE 1 (Day 4~8): 1 ETH = 6500 tokens (+30% Bonus)
STAGE 2 (Day 9~15): 1 ETH = 6000 tokens (+20% Bonus)
STAGE 3 (Day 16~22): 1 ETH = 5500 tokens (+10% Bonus)
STAGE 4 (Day 23~27): 1 ETH = 5250 tokens (+5% Bonus)
STAGE 5 (Day 28~30): 1 ETH = 5000 tokens (0%)


All payments received for ATFS Tokens in connection with this crowdfunding event will be held in escrow in a multi-signature address, with a multi key structure. No single person can handle tokens without the keys from another key management.


The actual use of crowdfunding total is subject to change depending on actual total amount after the crowdfunding period.

40%: Initial CAPEX

Initial set-up of cost-effective and highly productive Smart Farm 2.0 with agricultural LOT instruments and deep learning technology, plus the fresh corps warehouses is estimated to cost approximately 40% of total funding.

30%: Disruptive decentralized Platform Development & Launch

Used for building and promoting our platform, which includes securing a more qualified development team able to meet Disruptive Decentralized Platform’s milestone objectives.

20%: Continuous Plant-Based Meat Research and Development

Used to build up Plant-Based Meat R&D Center and its operations of analyzing and decomposing molecular structure of plant protein. Also used for managing and maintaining sustainable standards in production and supply chains.

6%: Marketing & Office administration

Most of this 6% portion is allocated for raising brand awareness and acquiring newcomers to our disruptive decentralized platform, and a minor portion finances administration, account services, legal, et al.

4%: Contingency

Set aside for unforeseen costs.



David (DJ) KIM / Chief Executive Officer, Founder

After over a decade of business strategist experience within the Strategic Planning Department of Samsung Group, David moved on to Korean VC firms like HOSEO Venture Capital and Benex Investment. From there, he has been in VP positions at Korea’s largest video service company, BNCP Co., and many innovative internet games and B2C start-up’s: Candle Media, A2X Games,
and Creants. As an entrepreneur with a VC background, he firmly believes in disruptive customer services and the potential of the cryptocurrency market. Thus, he founded the ATFS Lab as its CEO and initiated the ATFS Project. David strongly encourages you to join the ATFS Project to bring revolutionary change to the agriculture industry in which there are huge demographic opportunities.

Jay (WJ) CHOI / Chief Operating Officer, Co-Founder

Jay has over 20 years of experience in management consulting and finance industry, specializing in banking, security, insurance, and card/capital sectors. He began his career as an analyst at Korea Investment Bank, and moved on to consulting positions at Ernst&Young, IBM and KPMG. As a representative partner at KPMG, he led the management consulting division for 5 years, becoming an expert in business strategy, process innovation, new channels and program management office. Jay left the corporate world five years ago and has dedicated his time to start-up firms in Fin-Tech and IoT development, ultimately joining ATFS LAB as co-founder and COO.

Austin H. CHUNG / Chief Financial Officer, Co-Founder

Austin’s 16+ years of experience spans from the financial sector to top management roles in lifestyle goods manufacturing, marketing and bio-venture companies. His extensive career provides him with full understanding of commodity distribution sector in East Asia, financial management, accounting and legal risk, compliance affairs, as well as skillsets in cross-border M&A’s, fundraising & refinancing of projects, and start-up & mid-size company management. Austin joined ATFS LAB as co-founder and CFO to utilize his well-rounded background.

Allen SUNG / Chief Technology Officer, Co-Founder

After completing Master of Electrical Engineering at Seoul National University, Sung powered through more than 20 years of corporate engineering career in Korea working for Daewoo Electronics, DSPG, RealNetworks and DesignIt. He specializes in system architecture, security and information protection, MPEG and Deep Learning Technologies. As one of ATFS Lab’s co-founders and CTO, his focus in recent years has been blockchain technology and its decentralized applications.

Rachel CHUNG / Marketing Lead, Co-Founder

Rachel’s a marketing superstar with experience working with top-tier global brands in various industries including tech, fashion, leisure and home furnishing. She spends her time between Vancouver and Seoul, searching for projects outside her career that require her passion and skill set. As an excellent communicator and hardcore believer in the cryptoworld, she joined ATFS Lab to facilitate a revolution into a better world. She is ready to communicate all-things ATFS Project & token related to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Han REW / Graphic Designer & Web Developer

Han is a passionate UI/UX Designer with a background in computer science. He has web and mobile design experience of over 15 years, bringing to the team his strong expertise of unique designs catered to differentiated customer experiences. Han is a recipient of Ministry of Information and Communication Award from the Korean government. He leads ATFS Lab’s website and Disruptive Decentralized Platform’s UX/UI development.

Anthony KIM / Software Developer

Anthony is a well-seasoned software developer and architect with more than 15 years of experience in the fields of web development, JavaScript and P2P network systems. He is excited to be involved with ATFS Lab’s Smart Farm 2.0 and Disruptive Decentralized Platform project in developing a system that profits both the cryptoworld and the real world.


Stephan De Haes / Marketing Advisor

Stephan is Chief Operations Officer at, a FinTech startup launching there unique Interactive Coin Offering next year. He takes the lead in all social media and ICO-related subjects and overlooks the general operations of the company. Their goal is ‘Redefining value’ and making cryptocurrency available and acceptable for everybody. Stephan firmly believes that Blockchain will change the world and he wants to play his part in making Cryptocurrencies mainstream. In a short period, he has made a large amount of connections by working together with big companies for marketing and promotional advisory in the ICO- and cryptospace. He is also Founder of the Krypt.onomy facebook Communities with more than 1.650 members which introduce cryptocurrency to beginners and provide news, articles, technical analyses and general advice. On the side he is also expert rater at ICObench.

James PARK / Master Gardener

As a master gardener business specialist working with the Korean National Rural Development Administration for the past five years, James is responsible for analyzing trends in agritech industry. Previous to this position, he served as a consultant to the Korean Agricultural Engineers Association, a group that holds an alliance with HanNong. There, he led a nationwide group of agritech experts for the establishment of standardized hydroponic cultivation system in Korea. He joins ATFS Lab to aid in implementing cutting-edge technology like Smart Farm 2.0 into the real agriculture production cycle.

Seong Wook KIM / Strategy & Financial Advisor

Seong Wook’s extensive investment banking experience includes positions at Korea Stock Exchange, the Research Center of SK Securities, and SIMONE Investment Manager Company. He has invested in some of the leading, world-class fintech funds and is a strategic investor of amajor Korean B2C commerce company. Currently, he is the managing director of a private equity fund of USD $150 million, and he acts as a financial advisor for ATFS Lab.

Kyle R. KEUM / Legal Advisor, Lawyer

Kyle is a registered lawyer in Korea with specialization in corporate legal advising on crowdfunding for start-ups and investors. His expertise in legal affairs related to new business set-up, web services and HR management within the IT and Fin-Tech industries has been appreciated by many
groups in Korea. Kyle is the official legal counsel for the company, overseeing all legal matters like terms & conditions and privacy policy.

Jin Chul PARK / Financial Advisor, CPA

Jin Chul is a registered Certified Public Accountant with experience working for major accounting firms: Ernst & Young and Hannul Accounting. He is a strong auditor with prolific experience, and skills in funding deals for start-ups and developing the M&A deal structure for SME. And he acts as ATFS Lab’s financial advisor.

Chang Hoon Lee / Marketing Advisor

Chang Hoon is a serial entrepreneur and one of the most influential Korean advisors working in Japan. His ventures within the IoT and ICT business landed him a position at Japan Communication Group. Chang Hoon is keen to add ATFS Lab to his list of successes in high-tech, commercial companies, and he acts as ATFS Lab’s marketing advisor and Japan’s communication liaison.

Further Information:

my profil bitcointalk :;u=1397196


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