Kepler Bounty

Kepler Bounty

About Kepler

Kepler is a network technology that powered by Blockchain. The purpose of this network is to create a global market platform for robotics and high technology investment through transparent and decentralization portal which is controlled and managed by the investors. Use data analysis, science and predictive algorithms, Kepler will provide investors with unique investment opportunities through symbolic assets.

Our vision

Kepler technology social network dedicated to developing a fair, simple and reliablewhich helps to transform innovative ideas into reality by stimulating people around the world to collaborate.

Advatage Kepler project

Mia is a block-based Assistant who will continue to use our decentralized network.Mia is designed and developed to help users with their daily activities, including the purchase through an integrated system of wallet that allows them to conduct transactions based on verbal commands. Kepler also developed intelligent vacuum cleaner, shopping trolleys, security drones and other smart devices that do not require user control. Kepler ico is selling real value brand in the real world. These assets containfixed and Another important benefit of this project is the support and sponsors that have been collected by the public and private sectors.

The value of the project

Kepler is supported by the CEP of the original token. We consider the most important features that should be a sign, a high liquidity. KEP will be reinforced by the value of the company assets, including labor, knowledge and experience, equipment and infrastructure. CEP value brand secured on a plot of more than 300,000 m2 with building networks that will form the headquarters of Kepler. This includes the space architecture, Office management, Megafabrik, a fully-equipped laboratory, Technological University and campus. In addition to these properties, Token real CEP add value, there are also technical knowledge, patents, developed in our laboratory and valueproducts factory

1.Increasing demand for cutting-edge technology and AI solutions

2.A first-class management team with a credible qualifications in their field.

3.A Platform of fair, simple and reliable with high transparency and security

4.Nbewegliches property are transferred free of charge by the Government of Georgia;

5.80% of the company's revenue is used for the reinvestments, which is widely used to collect evidence themselves

More Information About The KEPLER Here:

Website :





bitcointalk user name: Rawon ayam


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