Hello everyone, in this new dipostingan I want to introduce about Profede project, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion:
In the current billionaire professional market - recruiting and social selling- , too much money goes to the intermediaries and there is little left for professionals and businesses. Profede is using blockchain to bypass the intermediaries in the professional world and create a direct connection between professionals and businesses. On the Profede Professional Protocol​, professionals control their personal data and get paid each time businesses access it to offer them a uniquely targeted job offer, a commercial offer or a specific business proposal. Profede brings essential value to professionals and businesses by making data valuable and eliminating intermediaries.
Competition Overview
The Profede Professional Protocol allows direct Professional-to-Business and
Professional-to-Professional interactions, without the need for intermediaries.
Decentralization and blockchain are opening doors and empowering professionals, businesses and investors in a number of different ways. With data being worth so much to companies, blockchain could serve as the catalyst that not only protects our information but makes it a valuable asset in the future of data sharing and investments.

One example is Earn. Professionals can use this app to earn digital currency by replying to emails and completing tasks. It's a unique concept that allows professionals to be compensated in exchange for their data.
Indorse is a decentralized professional network. You can show your skills, get validated by experts and get rewarded. The company brings value to professionals by making data valuable. It’s a Linkedin-like decentralized network. Dock is a decentralized protocol that lets people connect their profiles, reputations and experiences across the web with privacy and security. In this case professionals do not get rewarded so professionals are out of the benefit equation.

Profede is a unique value proposition. It is not an app like Earn or Indorse, and it is a protocol like Dock, instead the professionals are the center of the benefit equation. It is a protocol that uses blockchain to give power back to professional users. This protocol enables businesses and professionals to create a direct connection. Professionals control their personal data and get paid each time businesses use it to offer them a job, a business proposal or a commercial offer. The protocol will be adopted by thousands of small and medium apps and millions of users. beBee - a professional network of 12 million professional users - will be the first to adopt Profede’s Protocol.
Problem ​description
Figure 1. In the current professional ecosystem, “middlemen” are software creators that use the data of their users (the professionals) to sell on to businesses that pay large amounts of capital in return. During this exchange professionals do not receive anything, except the service itself. This is a lose-lose scenario for professionals and businesses, while the traditional professional networks and recruitment intermediaries get richer in the process.
Solution ​description
Profede technology enables:
  1. Scalable search through massive datasets.
  2. Data privacy and professional anonymity.
  3. Incentives to participate in the recruiting and social selling markets.
  4. Portable professional profiles and feedback ratings.
Figure 2. Inside the Profede Protocol, businesses directly market to professionals and professionals upload their data and can earn PATO tokens in exchange for this data.
Token Sale
Fundraising Conditions
Volume (finite amount created) 6,000,000,000 PATO
Tokens on ICO sale 3,000,000,000 PATO (50%)
Hard Cap: $20M
Soft Cap: $1.5M
Presale Discount: Presale Discount: 30%
PATO Price: $0.01
Presale Contributions: ETH and BTC
Crowdsale Contributions: ETH and BTC
Presale Period

The Investment Window will be open on April 29th at 00:00:00 UTC for 48 Hours only.
The Investment Window includes a 30% Bonus. Investors can contribute with ETH or BTC but must sign up and register an account on the Profede website prior to contributing.
Crowdsale Period
The public crowdsale will begin on June 1st, 2018. The fundraiser will continue until the hard cap of $20 million is met (or for 105 days). If there are remaining tokens after the crowdsale period these tokens will be transferred to the long term bucket. Register at for the latest announcements regarding the fundraiser.
50% of total tokens available for purchase across the presale and crowdsale
40% of tokens reserved as a long term budget. Among others, these tokens will be used to:
Stimulate the use and growth of the platform.
Pay for the development.
Invest in marketing.
Cover legal costs.
10% of tokens reserved for the Advisors and Team.
Use of Proceeds

40% for development (rollout of the solution and adjustments).
5% for administrative needs.
44% for expanding adoption. This includes the growth and maintenance of the world-wide community including advisors for growth-hacking, public relations, partnerships, affiliate programs, etc.
5% for legal expenses.
6% for unforeseen costs.
Lock-up Period

Presale Investors will have a three months lock-up period. Crowdsale Investors will not have lock-up period.
Advisors will have a three months lock-up period, and in the case of the team members, they will have a two years lock-up period, with 25% of their tokens being unlocked every six months.
In the case of Profede’s reserve, these tokens are destined to stimulate the platform, so Profede will lock those tokens one year.
All these lock-up periods will be enforced through a smart contract, that will be published and audited.
Roadmap and Milestones
Q3 2017
  • Assembling the team and developing initial idea.
    Q4 2017
  • Building development and marketing team.
  • Created a first draft of white paper.
  • Signed agreement with beBee.
    Q1 2018
  • Release of crowdsale smart contracts.
  • Publish third party code audits.
  • Crowdfunding event and token distribution.
    Q2 2018
  • Building development and marketing team.
  • Partnerships with scalable blockchains.
    Q3 2018
  • Release of the alpha version on Ethereum’s testnet.
  • Release of the alpha of open source SDK
    Q4 2018
  • Release of beta version of the product.
  • Integration in beBee as beta
    Q1 2019
  • Release of final product on Ethereum’s mainnet.
  • Release of open source SDK.
  • Building of ecosystem through development of community participation.
  • Partner releases of other vertical solutions - Job Portals, professional portals, professional networks and so forth.
  • Signing partners and verticals.
    Q2 2019
  • Scalability and development.
  • Integration with scalable file system.
  • Optimizations
Don’t just read it, save the preferred launch date and act on it right now.
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