
Why SafeIn?
The rapid growth of e-commerce remains unstoppable. Moreover, online shopping is not only troublesome, but also complicated. For example, think that all password re-enrollment, verification, and recovery are in line with the online customer experience of the day. We believe backward technology should be blamed for most of these issues. So, we think it’s time to improve by capturing the way your modern online management and shopping experience. Safein is a one-time login solution for digital identification and payment purse. when using SafeIn you only need to enter the information once and then only need to scan QR code code when asked for that information. SafeIn also manages your payment purse. The Safein Platform is unique to users and regular sellers. Users, first of all, no doubt will appreciate the cancellation of recurring registration and passwords. All of this will be replaced by the instant access provided by our multifactor authentication solution. In addition, no information is given and larger data, which is very different for any consumer. Sellers will be interested in opportunities to reduce their trading costs significantly. Vendors also get paid with payments through one of the lowest charges on the market with a free authentication tool. In addition, sellers who have Safein tokens in their wallets will be able to process payments without commissions. In addition, the platform will help them improve user confidence and conversion, and protect them from accidental flows against complex rules and data confidentiality processes. Current Ecommerce Issues: Poor user experience leads to poor sales. Users have to go through too many steps to make a purchase. Lack of transparency in the use of customer information. Many customers complain of being bothered by unsolicited commercial emails. The dangers of network security. Barriers to small companies. Lack of a kind of electronic wallet is available on all platforms. Features and benefits Safein addresses all of the issues listed above with the following features and benefits: • The only account for any website • One-time ID verification for all websites • Low cost or free service for card holder • Payment is not risky • Take complete control of your personal data Safein solutions : Login and register to website just one click. Enhance the user experience, reducing the security risks of entering information online. Control your personal information : You can log in completely anonymously, or choose only to share the information that the website needs. With just one click you can revoke all access right away. At the Safein app you can view your full history of activity, registration, login and billing. Simple payment or pre-encrypted payment : You can easily make payments without providing any additional information. Keeping your money in the traditional currency or pre-encrypted, Safein will automatically convert and transfer payments according to the website priority. Since payments are made on the Safein platform, all will be immediate, secure and low cost. Login through many steps . Multi-step login combined with online identity management. Make sure your account is safe and in control.
-USERS: • gain access to any service immediately without delay for identity verification or deposit transfer; • management and recovery of many user accounts with different passwords; • Ability to buy from sellers offering the best price or product than from users who already have a verified account; • Full and clear disclosure of customer data forwarded to the website; • Improve cybersecurity of their personal data; • Lower transaction costs and a very easy way to make payments in both fiat and cryptocurrency currencies; • Increased anonymity, and protection from unexpected data mining and spamming activity; • Ability to instruct the selected network to stop collecting individual user data as well as to delete data collected on the user; • Cashback and further rewards for the loyalty and usage of our services.
SELLERS: • Improved conversion rate due to reduced number of customers avoiding new signups; • Reduce the cost of user verification procedures as well as significant savings in the account recovery / password recovery department. • Less need to worry about compliance with GDPR and data protection regulations in other countries; • Reduce the risk of cyber customer data leakage; • Access to our growing user group, incentivized to use services provided by our partners; • Ability to receive payments from users who pay both, fiat and crypto; • Lower transaction costs; • Single plug-in integration;
-SFN TOKENS: • Free payment for SFN sellers • All activities on Safein users are rewarded with SFN • Develop the user base with SFN token referral and referral policies.
Conclusion: The Safein project is a very promising one. With the roadmap and plans for this ico, given it is followed, the technological evolution and mass introduction of the Internet will eventually cause the transfer of all transactions, login information, passwords and other authorization methods on the line. What we can say with certainty is that technological development has clearly shown that the Internet is not only inevitable, but it is now one of our best options for moving the society forward.
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