
What is DreamPot?
Dream Pot is an online decentralized lottery, based on the blockchain technology. The whole process is managed by a smart contract without anyhuman factor involved.
The lottery is open and its fairness is enabled by the Ethereum network itself. Total prize pool can reach the amount of $ 1 000 000 000, which can beclaimed as the largest prize in the history of lotteries.
How Does DreamPot Lottery Work?
Main lottery mechanism is a decentralized platform based on blockchain technology and using smart contract for collecting and distributing funds. Winning ticket numbers are identified randomly. Correct randomization is empowered by the Oraclize technology.
Oraclize system has a random number generation for gambling architecture, which enables smart contracts to receive a random number from a trustedsource, without having to rely whatsoever on the data carrier.
Such drawing winning numbers model offers higher, mathematically binding guarantees of fairness thanks to open (and third-party auditable) authenticity proofs. The solution developed by Oraclize demonstrates that the data fetched from the original data-source is genuine and untampered. This is accomplished by accompanying the returned data together with a document called authenticity proof.
Thus, dreampot.io generation of numbers is based on a unique and autonomous formula that is proven impossible to be manipulated. Mechanisms built into smart contracts exclude the possibility of their being influenced by the lottery managers. Neither winning numbers nor lottery tickets can be faked.
1 DPT = 1 CHANCE = $1
DreamPot is an online lottery based on blockchain technology with the largest prize pool in history. We create the most open lottery with a guarantee of fair play, which can guarantee Ethereum network. The total prize pool will consist of more than $ 1,000,000,000.
DreamPot is built on Ethereum, a next-generation decentralized distributed network protocol that enables advanced smart contracts — agreements, that operate automatically, without the need of human control. Ethereum is decen-tralized and safe; it provides transparency to all operations on the platform.
To make our platform even more secured, all processes are done with MetaMask. It is a Chrome plugin which allows you to run Ethereum DApps right in your browser, without running a full Ethereum node. MetaMask includes a secure identity vault, providing a user interface to manage and sign decentralized distributed network transactions.
Smart contracts live like in a walled garden,they cannot fetch external data on their own.Oraclize is here to help. We act as a data carrier,a reliable connection between Web APIs and your Dapp.There is no need to open additional trustlines asour good behaviour is enforced by cryptographic proofs.
For details information about DreamPot, it is important to check their various links and channels indicated below:

AUTHOR (rawon ayam)


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