
Bitnation is a democratic organization; that strive hard to become an Organization (fully functional) Autonomous Decentralized, which stipulates that we do not have administrative structures based on the old methodology or have barriers to entry to it.

Cooperation and teamwork is our main foundation

Any organization can create or join a team, either non-profit or directed for profit; the purpose does not matter in our case because we seek that the teams can benefit from the support and the entire IT infrastructure and technology that we have in the Bitnation community.
All the teams formed will be recognized as a Holon, which is something considered as a part and at the same time a whole, which can join or create these operational centers, all without exception. This is what allows the Bitnation to flow permanently and be autonomous; it is not controlled or limited by a kind of centralized hierarchy. You can also select two or more holons without generating any kind of problem.

Why can you trust a Bitnation?

We are not a kind of investment fund; rather, we focus on buying and selling virtual currencies immediately. We use the payment platform independently, which will act as an intermediary in the event of a dispute in order to resolve possible conflicts efficiently and fairly. We work specifically only with the virtual currencies recognized worldwide that have high liquidity.
When Bitnation began to be established, we had a different group called Ambassadors, which functioned as our closest collaborators in the development of applications, scripts and more. To the extent that Bitnation was growing and is heading towards being a model of Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), the entry barrier will be completely eliminated so that anyone can become a collaborator.

Benefits of belonging to Bitnation

At the time of partnering with Bitnation, you will immediately obtain all access to our community, equipment, newsroom, and chats where you can publish lots of news directly on the associated web portals, such as Twitter and our Facebook feeds. If you have any plans to radically interrupt the world, Bitcoin is the best place to start with.
In our chats and video conferences you can suggest and share your own projects, then through a consensus, if there is one, you can determine whether or not the voluntary DIY Governability movement advances, this action and movement can be financed through our Backfeed integration form, widely recognized and certified worldwide.
You can share your space; it does not matter if it is a cafeteria, an office or your home, do not hesitate to open it so that the rest of your fellow cryptographers and hackers who are anywhere in the world can enter it. Imagine that you will always have a place where you can go, even in new countries where you can feel safe, you can work and you can live with many people who share your same ideals.
Bitnation does not intend to improve the government entities; its true intention is to replace them completely, based on our service platform that consists of a blockchain system. We will become the only place in the world that will not be subject to any state or national jurisdiction.


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