The use of virtual reality and block in Internet shopping

Internet shopping has long become commonplace in our life. The advantages are obvious: you do not need to leave the house, do not need to spend a lot of time, a larger model range. But there are also disadvantages: clothes may not fit in size or just not like it.
To help us come modern technology. With 3D Afeli you can create your visual copy, on which you can see how this or that thing will look exactly on you.
To create an avatar, you need only your physical parameters (height, weight, etc.) and a photo obtained through the camera phone camera, webcam computer, laptop.
In addition to the obvious benefits for the buyer, there is also a business benefit that will support the use of 3D Afeli. Buyers who will use 3D Afelito consult with their friends in social networks will buy more than those who came alone. ** In addition, the likelihood of a return of a thing after its delivery is too high, which makes money.
All this applies to hotel booking, to play in a real casino, to independently design the design of your apartment.
In addition, the use of 3D to demonstrate the goods favorably promotes the allocation of the store against the background of others, which positively affects sales.
3D Afeli can easily be integrated into any online store, the consumer can easily assess the benefits of a virtual fitting room.
The difference between 3D Afeli and its competitors is the use of modern Unity 3D technology, instead of the outdated Flash.
In addition, Afeli decentralized platform, based on the technology of blocking, connecting users and sellers directly.
Afeli is built on the Ethereum platform , which is the leader in the field of technology blocking and has everything you need for 3D Afeli. To search for information in datasets, Elasticsearch technology will be used .
In Afeli for each user creates a purse. Through this purse you can pay both in ordinary money and crypto currency. The commission for exchange is 0%.
Read more about Afeli:  - official website  - Telegram channel 


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